Impact & Accomplishments

Connections in the West End: Reducing Transportation Barriers Makes a Difference!

Thanks to a generous grant from the West End Health Foundation, Superior Connections RCO has reduced transportation barriers and increased support for Western Marquette County clients. The grant had three main health-promoting components:

Bikes. The grant allowed us to provide bicycles to people either from, or living in, the West End. One individual was effectively house-bound. Since providing them with a bicycle, they have acquired a new lease on life—riding all over Ishpeming, to the store, bank, and anywhere they need to go. This has provided the independence they needed to really live life to the fullest and maintain mental and physical health. Another individual received a bike after recovering from a substance use disorder. Lacking a way to get to work, they experienced barriers to moving their life further forward. Now, they utilize their bike to get to work and back—and have maintained both their recovery and their housing for over one year!

Bus Tickets. The grant allowed us to purchase and distribute bus tickets that allowed people to attend doctor appointments, attend residential treatment for substance use disorders, access food, and more!

Vehicle. The grant also allowed us to purchase a vehicle for the organization that facilitated many outcomes: housing people who were experiencing homelessness, providing access to medical and mental health treatment, providing access to residential treatment for substance use disorders, increasing food security, increasing access to basic needs like clothing, getting to and from work, and much, much more!

It’s so gratifying to see the differences made in people’s lives thanks to this grant. Thank you, West End Health Foundation!


    • 2022 Halloween Party in partnership with the Alano Club

    • Families Against Narcotics Masquerade Ball—SCRCO provided Peer Recovery Coaches at this fundraising and awareness-raising event held December 7, 2022.

    • Nick’s Run for Recovery 2023
    • Recovery Connections through Bowling—Free recovery community bowling event with donations from Marquette Alano Club, Inc.


    • Beginning in June of 2022, we began assessing needs related to substance use, addiction, and recovery in our community. Data was collected from respondents living throughout the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, with a focus on the City of Marquette and outlying areas (Ishpeming, Negaunee, Gwinn, Skandia, etc.). The purpose was to identify opportunities for services and advocacy that our organization could provide.

    • Moving forward, we hope to complete a new Recovery Community Needs Assessment every two years.


During Fiscal Year 2022, we served approximately 150 people by helping them connect to health care, housing, benefits, food, clothing, and other social determinants of health.